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Swiss Tribology 2024 Symposium

Save the Date:

20th of August 2024


ETH Zürich

Rämistrasse 101

8006 Zürich (Altstadt)


Swiss Tribology 2023 Symposium


22nd of August


ZHAW Winterthur School of Engineering, Technikumstrasse 9, 8400 Winterthur, Building: TN, Room: TN E0.58 

Agenda klick here


Swiss Tribology 2022

Online Conference

Participation: 99 CHF

–  For symposium programme click here

Swiss Tribology 2021

Online Conference

Swiss Tribology 2019

@Hightech Zentrum Aargau


Rowena Crockett, Empa

Activities at the HTZ

Marcus Morstein, Hightech Zentrum Aargau AG

Tribological challenges in railway track

Urs Schönholzer, SBB Swiss Federal Railways

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International Nanotribology Forum

We are proud to declare the International Nanotribology Forum (INF) as a new subcommittee of the Swiss Tribology.


Web Seminar Series on Tribology

Executive Committee

Dr. Rowena Crockett

Dr. Rowena Crockett


Prof. Dr. Nicholas Spencer

Prof. Dr. Nicholas Spencer

Vice President & Secretary

Siegfried Roos

Siegfried Roos


Prof. Dr. Ernst Meyer

Prof. Dr. Ernst Meyer


Prof. Dr. Eric Rosset

Prof. Dr. Eric Rosset

Executive Member

Dr. Michael Eglin

Dr. Michael Eglin

Executive Member

Dr. Mousab Hadad

Dr. Mousab Hadad

Executive Member

Dr. Emanuel Tack

Dr. Emanuel Tack

Conferences & Webmaster

Contact Us

In case of questions don`t hesitate to contact us.

c/o Rowena Crockett
Ueberlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Dübendorf

+41 58 765 4612

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